What is YOUR Truth?
Have you had instances/life experiences, where you have let other people’s opinions and thoughts influence you, in an unproductive/negative manner?
Lets take the example where someone says something bad or negative about you, and you know, deep in your heart that its not the truth, but you feel helpless; where you feel you cant defend yourself or stop that person spreading rumours about you, or if someone tries to highlight an aspect that triggers you to think ‘you’ or ‘your life’ is not good enough – what has been your reaction to such situation?
Have you wallowed in ‘self pity’ or become aggressive? Have you become bitter and talk badly about the person concerned who is spreading the rumour?
It is easy to get dragged into any of the above mentioned situations at any point in our lives.
I am not denying the fact that such circumstances can be very hurtful. I have experienced such circumstances, and it has been hard. When the information said/discussed is not the truth of who you are, we do get hurt. But the most important thing to remember is, its “not” the truth and its not “your” truth. I call it ‘your truth’ as it’s the truth deep in your heart and in your Higher self or your conscious mind. At times people can lie and manipulate situations due to their own past issues, insecurities, but always know that it is NOT your truth.
In these situations, we have the power within us to stop for few minutes (quiet time), get centred to the core of who you are (a pure positive source energy), and stand firm in your power and in YOUR truth, which is clear in your heart and soul. When you get centred in your true self, the only thing that matters is YOUR truth. Then you have that peace within, and you don’t have to prove or convince anyone anything. You set yourself free and not give permission to anyone to treat you disrespectfully or let your emotions be manipulated by others.
Use the quiet time and ask yourself the question – “why am I feeling hurt or upset about what was said?” Is it because its not the truth? Only your heart will know the correct answer to this question.
Always remember that what you know about the pure positive soul you are, is much more important than what people think of you!
Don’t waste your precious time and energy thinking of someone who is not in their own alignment and therefore emanating their inner reflection of their own pain, upon you (but masterfully covering it and highlighting that something is wrong with you!).
Your inner guidance will lead you to the truth and you will feel the sense of peace within you, that no one will be able to take it away. Try not to waste any more time or energy trying to prove yourself to others. Just be you! At times people ‘think’ they have power over you due to position/possessions they hold, but you know its not true. Only people who are not secure within them self depend on external things to bring power to them.
We know that every person has their free will and therefore anyone can choose to be good or bad towards someone else. Therefore, if there are any hurtful situations in your life, its best that you surrender them all to your Higher self/ Higher power that controls this whole Universe and ask for guidance on healing the pain and stay focus on your path.
When you do get guidance (which everyone does, but only a few are willing to give time to listen and follow that guidance) it is your responsibility to act upon it. Use your energy to focus on YOUR path and YOUR purpose in YOUR life. Imagine a day where we could all follow our paths and our purpose and harmoniously co-create with one another. That creates authentic power.
No matter what anyone says or does, don’t lose your focus. At times people can create distractions because they feel jealous of your progress and the beautiful life you live. Cleanse your energy so that you emanate the pure positive energy withing you, which will help to attract only pure positive souls into your life. Don’t dismiss the powerful Law of Attraction that exists and works silently around us each day, helping us to attracts like to like.
Don’t be triggered by negative people or their negative draining energy, because they are not important in your life.
Be the star you are born to be and bring your light into this world and let your light shine upon the people who are misaligned and let them use your light to get back into alignment with their pure self. That’s the best we can do – be who we truly are and shine our light on everyone around us.
Be blessed and be a blessing to at least one person today!
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Wishing you life’s best to be the magnificent you!